Personal Information Protection Policy

SC-ABeam, as a consulting firm, aims to deliver exceptional consulting services to its customers. Our fundamental personal information protection policy is “Acquisition of trust and credibility through appropriate and effective personal information protection and management”, and we will realize this by striving to fully implement our personal information protection management system. In view of the importance of personal information protection, the Company will implement the following initiatives.

Fundamental Policy

  1. SC-ABeam will collect personal information only insofar as it is necessary, will inform the customer of the purpose of collection, and provide information about how to make inquiries to the Company.
  2. When collecting, using and providing personal information, the Company will limit its purpose as much as possible, collect it through lawful and fair means, and will not use it for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was collected. Additionally, we will take necessary measures to ensure that personal information is not used for other purposes.
  3. The Company will handle all collected personal information in accordance with relevant laws, government guidelines, and other standards applicable to personal information.
  4. The Company will appoint a Manager to supervise the management of personal information, and along with appropriate management, the Company will strive to prevent personal information from being leaked to outside sources. Additionally, the Company will implement appropriate and reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss of personal information, damage, tampering or leakage, and take immediate corrective action in order to mitigate the risk of accidents.
  5. The Company will use collected personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve its stated purpose, and will use sufficient care in order to avoid compromising the customer’s rights. Furthermore, we will not disclose or provide any personal information to any third party, with the exception of outside contractors, without the consent or permission of the customer concerned.
  6. The Company will deal appropriately with customer inquiries and complaints concerning the handling of personal information by appointing a customer inquiry manager.
  7. The Company will continuously improve its practical compliance plan (personal information management system) in response to changes in data security and legislation.
  8. Any actions that compromise personal information protection will be dealt with resolutely.

Enacted September 25, 2007
Revised January 23, 2008
Revised October 29, 2009
Revised June 23, 2010
Revised September 30, 2011
Revised April 27, 2014
Revised May 7, 2014
Revised July 11, 2017

SC-ABeam Automotive Consulting
President & CEO Koichiro Nakayama

8th revised version

Personal information inquiries
Phone 03-6285-4600(representative)

・Name of accredited personal information protection organization: Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC)

・Contact address for complaint consultation: PrivacyMark Promotion Center - Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization Office
Roppongi First Building 12F, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome,Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan
TEL:03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779